United Methodist Altars

A Guide for the Congregation (Revised Edition)

United Methodist Altars
Author Hoyt L. Hickman
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 1/1996
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780687005628
Retail Price $17.99
Discount Price $15.99 (11% discount)
This basic, fully illustrated manual for congregational leaders explains how to prepare the sanctuary and its furnishings for the celebration of worship and sacraments throughout the Christian year. This practical, informative guide is an indispensable companion for worship committees, altar guilds, or individuals whose responsible for these vital tasks in their church.

United Methodist Altars includes: care, cleaning, and storage instructions for all vestments and appointments; a calendar of the Christian year, with appropriate colors for each season; responsibilities and suggested organizational structure for the altar guild; an explanation of the history and meaning of worship furnishings; preparation instructions for the various United Methodist services; and, a glossary.