Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers

Best Practices and Ethical Decisions

Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers
Author J. Melton
Publisher The Upper Room
Publication Date 5/2009
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780881775600
Retail Price $15.00
Melton understands the need to educate clergy concerning basics of ethical practice within their particular leadership role in the church. She also helps clergy become aware of the potential traps they face: isolation, improper self-care, and lack of accountability. Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers explores three large areas of special concern to clergy.
*Counseling and the potential improprieties within the counseling relationship
*Finances and the potentail improprieties related to church finance
*Sexuality and potential for sexual misconduct. Melton writes not only for clergy, but also for those who work with pastors, such as Staff-Parrish Relations Committees or Church Relations Committees.