Tending Body, Heart, Mind, and Soul - eBook

Following Jesus in Caring for Ourselves

Tending Body, Heart, Mind, and Soul - eBook
Author Mary Jane Gorman
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 10/2010
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426733796

This item is available through subscription only

Includes Discussion Questions

We hear a lot about what Jesus said. But what did he do? How did he live? During the days of his ministry, how did he care for his own body, heart, mind, and soul?

In this compelling book, Mary Jane Gorman looks behind and between the words of Jesus to discover his humanity, painting a vivid portrait of the life he called us all to live.

Chapter titles:

Tending the Body includes sections on food, exercise, rest, healing touch
Tending the Heart--anger, grief, compassion, passion, priorities, relationships
Tending the Mind--exercise, rest, wit, reflection, openness
Tending the Soul--nature, wilderness, forgiveness, prayer, obedience
Tending Toward Wholeness: Interconnections

“Gentle, practical, and wise, Mary Jane Gorman issues an invitation to look closely at Jesus’ humanity and in particular the way he cared for his entire being: body, heart, mind, and soul.” -Patricia D. Brown, Author of Spirit Gifts“If you're earnestly seeking guidance in development of a spirituality which touches every aspect of your life, you will want to let this skilled spiritual guide lead you to the Master himself.” -E. Glenn Hinson, Author of Companions in Christ: Feeding on the Word

Mary Jane Gorman is a writer, teacher, and retreat leader living in Greenville, South Carolina. Formerly professor of economics at Furman University, she has served on the board of United Ministries, a nonprofit community organization, and is a leader in First Baptist Church, Greenville.