Ready-to-Go School's Out - eBook

Youth Ministry Ideas for School Breaks and Summer Vacation

Ready-to-Go School's Out - eBook
Author Rev. Todd Outcalt
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 10/2010
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426734823

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One of the biggest challenges in youth ministry is finding effective ways to minister to teenagers during school breaks and summer vacations—those times when the usual routines of education and structure aren’t there. Families are vacationing. Youth groups get smaller. And very often youth ministry takes a noticeable dip in attendance and excitement.

Ready-to-Go School’s Out!: Youth Ministry Ideas for School Breaks and Summer Vacation by Todd Outcalt is a book that can help. Here youth workers can find support and practical ideas that can help them minister to teens during the “down times” such as:

· Fall & Spring Breaks
· Summer Vacation
· Christmas Break
· Special Days such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving
· New Years Eve

Ready-to-Go School’s Out! will be a welcome addition to the youth leader’s arsenal of resources. It includes learning activities, outings, games, worship services, and suggestions for the busy youth worker—in addition to renewal activities for tired youth leaders—all collected in one resource.