
The Art of Questioning Authority by an Authority in Question

Author Bishop William H. Willimon
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 4/2012
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9781426742293
Retail Price $21.99
Discount Price $17.99 (18% discount)
As a church leader, it’s easy to make the wrong move and find yourself in a bad position.

“What to teach; How to teach; What to do,” were the three questions Wesley employed at his first conferences. In sixty previous books Will Willimon has worked the first two. This book is of the “What to do?” genre.

Many believe the long decline of The United Methodist Church is a crisis of effective leadership. Willimon takes this problem on. As an improbable bishop, for the last eight years he has laid hands on heads, made ordinands promise to go where he sends them, overseen their ministries, and acted as if this were normal. Here is his account of what he has learned and – more important – what The United Methodist Church must do to have a future as a viable movement of the Holy Spirit.