Just in Time! Prayers for Advent and Christmas - eBook

Just in Time! Prayers for Advent and Christmas - eBook
Writer David N. Mosser
Author David N. Mosser
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 5/2012
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426748400
Retail Price $14.99
Discount Price $9.99 (33% discount)

This item is available for a one-time purchase individually, or as part of a Ministry Matters Premium Subscription.

Handy, helpful prayers to use in public worship during Advent and Christmas. The collection includes invocations, opening prayers, prayers of confession, and pastoral prayers for the Sundays of Sundays of Advent, and Christmas Eve services. Drawn from a variety of traditions, the prayers in this collection will aid any congregation as it worships throughout the journey of Advent.