
Meditations for Leading with Wisdom, Peace, and Joy

Author Kirk Byron Jones
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 10/2014
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9781426796562
Retail Price $21.99
Discount Price $14.79 (33% discount)
This interactive book is designed specifically for church leaders—clergy, staff, and laity. Each week, readers experience three different meditations or exercises. Readers can approach the material in whatever way works best for them—on a regular schedule (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, for instance) or in whatever way works best in any given week. The three-per-week meditations build upon themes, with an ebb and flow allowing the reader to experience the material more deeply. The fact that this is not a daily exercise is distinctive, as many devotional books are regimented and overwhelming, with an expectation of a daily commitment. Refill's format is designed to be viable, accessible, and nurturing for busy leaders. Each page contains a nugget of wisdom about how leaders can tap into inner capacities they already possess, but which are often overlooked. These capacities include awareness, stillness, and playfulness (as we learned of in Fulfilled) but the author also includes other capacities, such as compassion, empathy, and creativity.