Better Sundays Begin on Monday
52 Exercises for Evaluating Weekly Worship
Author | David W. Manner |
Publisher | Abingdon Press |
Publication Date | 9/2020 |
Binding | Book - Paperback |
ISBN | 9781791004736 |
Retail Price | $19.99 |
Discount Price | $18.49 (8% discount) |
So why aren’t pastors and worship teams incorporating similar evaluative practices? Implementing a collaborative process of analyzing worship services or planning for upcoming services requires a deep level of humility, trust, and shared accountability. It also requires selfless leaders who are willing to sacrifice their own ideas and interests for the greater worshiping good of the congregation. Better Sundays Begin on Mondays offers foundational worship considerations to help leadership teams ask questions evaluatively rather than defensively. These weekly reflections encourage worship leaders and their teams to think beyond style to biblical and theological worship content.