Building resilience in an uncertain world

October 7th, 2020

Building resilience in an uncertain world

Across the country thousands of school districts are engaging in partial- or fully-online learning as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Kids as young as kindergarten age are engaging in two to four hours of online class per day, while high schools report upwards of six hours per day — not to mention the time required to do their homework, participate in extracurricular activities and attend church events. Some talking heads say that Generation Z doesn’t struggle with online learning because they’re already online for hours per day. But ask any teen and he or she will most likely say that virtual school is very different.

Classroom learning is not the only thing teens are missing while having school at home. Social-emotional learning is important for all ages. Teens are growing rapidly, and not only their bodies and hormones but also their brains and hearts. Due to COVID-19 and the necessary restrictions in an effort to curb the pandemic, many teens are missing out on normal, everyday socializing, such as walking the halls with their friends; participating in arts education through band, choir, drama and dance; participating in and attending sports events; and social rituals such as dances, study groups and learning to drive.

Mental health

Everyone is struggling during these days. Adults talk about teenagers’ resilience during the pandemic and that’s true to a large extent! But teens who are missing out on socialization, as well as struggling with being online for so much of their day, are particularly vulnerable to mental health concerns. As much as possible, adults need to normalize conversation on the topic of mental health. It can be difficult, awkward and scary, but adults must break the ice and support teens in finding the help, rest and restoration they need. The self-care teens adopt now will serve them for years to come and help to build mental resilience in an uncertain world.

Rest is particularly important during teenage years, and especially during the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Getting enough rest can improve teens’ focus and memory, as well as provide the support the body’s immune system needs to increase resilience.

Question of the day: Why Is rest so important?
Focal scriptures: Genesis 1:1–2:3; 1 Kings 19:1-18, Genesis 25:27-34

For a complete lesson on this topic visit LinC.

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