Good Friday for Kids

by Bromleigh McCleneghan
At the heart of the Christian faith is a story about death and resurrection, with elements of loss, sin, denial, and betrayal dragging us to the depths of sadness and remorse… read more

Including Kids in Worship

by Ian Heston Doescher
“People were bringing little children to Jesus in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and… read more

Why Do VBS?

by Betsy Parham
Why should churches provide vacation Bible school? Churches should be eager to provide vacation Bible school, since it offers a unique approach to Christian education during the… read more

Vacation Bible School Ideas

by Judy Comstock
Vacation Bible school has been around for a long time as a traditional summer program. Most publishers pack creative thematic activities into their VBS curriculum. Even so, a few… read more

How to Gain by Losing

by Sara Webb Phillips
A Children’s Sermon on John 3:1-17 Supplies: Two ice cubes, a glass of water, and a paper towel. Jesus says “those who want to save their life will lose it, and… read more

Equipping Families to Worship at Home

by Carolyn C. Brown
One of the biggest barriers to family worship is the vision of what “ought to be.” That vision of a Norman Rockwell family pressed and dressed and gathered in a clean… read more
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