Worship for Kids: Pentecost Sunday 2022

by Carolyn C. Brown
From a Child's Point of View Acts 2:1-21. This passage tells of the giving of the Holy Spirit and is the key story for Pentecost Sunday. Because children will have trouble… read more

Worship for Kids: September 4, 2022

by Carolyn C. Brown
From a Child's Point of View Old Testament: Jeremiah 18:1-11. This passage presents an image that is both familiar and challenging for children. Though they may not have seen a… read more

Worship for Kids: May 1, 2022

by Carolyn C. Brown
From a Child's Point of View Resurrection means new life. Today's texts include the stories of two people who received new chances at life from the resurrected Jesus; a psalm… read more

Worship for Kids: May 22, 2022

by Carolyn C. Brown
From a Child's Point of View Gospel: John 14:23-29. This is a rich text, providing several themes that are important to children. All the themes are more powerful if the text is… read more

Worship for Kids: April 24, 2022

by Carolyn C. Brown
From a Child's Point of View Gospel: John 20:19-31. This passage includes two related, yet separate Easter stories. John 20:19-23 describes Jesus' first postresurrection… read more

Worship for Kids: Christmas Eve/Day

by Carolyn C. Brown
Christmas Eve—Day Note: The lectionary offers three sets of readings for Christmas Eve/Day. The readings are identical in each of the three cycles. In this series, Year A… read more
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