Gifts and Prayers

December 18th, 2013

They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11 CEB)

Advent is such a busy season, and I try to make it more manageable by buying Christmas gifts all year long. No matter what the month, I am looking for just the right gift for each member of my family and friends. I shop at the mall, look through catalogs, and search online. I want something that will be perfect for each of them.

The other day as I was looking though a catalog. I had an epiphany: I spend more time looking for Christmas gifts for these people than I do praying for them. The wise men brought gifts to Christ, but before they offered them, they knelt down. Do you think they prayed in that moment, thanking God for this child? I am going to try to do the same. I need to get the shopping done, but I also need to pray for the people I am shopping for. Each time I find the perfect gift or a gift possibility, I am going to pause and pray for the person.

God, please remind us that while our gifts are precious to those whom we love, our prayers are the best gift we can ever give them. May we pause and pray for those we love, knowing that you hear our prayers.

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