Life is a maze
The action/adventure movie "The Maze Runner" is based on a best-selling young adult novel. This movie tells the story of a group of teenagers who are trying to figure out how to solve the Maze, a labyrinth full of creatures designed to kill them. After trying to solve the Maze for two years, the youth begin to lose hope. When protagonist Thomas comes on the scene, he emerges as a leader due to his persistence and refusal to accept the established belief that spending a night in the Maze leads to death. After developing and executing a strategy that keeps him alive in the confusing web of pathways, Thomas comes out a hero and restores hope to the community as they carry on to find a solution to the Maze.
Keep on keeping on
Many teenagers today feel like their lives are a maze. With the twists and turns they encounter at school, in extracurricular activities, and from their peers and family, just surviving the day can cause even the strongest adolescent to want to give up. Some youth become so overwhelmed by the expectations of others that they simply shut down, both emotionally and physically. Youth leaders are charged with bringing hope to a generation of teenagers who are heavy-laden. We can encourage them to keep trying so they can conquer the struggles of everyday life and move on to accomplish their dreams.
Never Give Up
Like Thomas, when we show perseverance, we will emerge as leaders in our church and community. When we fully trust in a God who promises never to leave us or forsake us, we have no reason to give up because the God of the universe is on our side. God will give us the strength we need to carry on, even when we run up against challenging times. With continuous prayer and a strong faith, we are able to work through the trials of this life and one day rise victorious to receive our heavenly reward.
Question of the Day: In what area of your life do you feel like giving up?
Focal Scriptures: Genesis 32:22-32; Luke 18:1-8; 2 Timothy 2:1-13
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