Living life abundantly
This coming Friday “The Age of Adaline” opens in movie theaters. In this story a young woman is blessed (cursed?) by the inability to age — or apparently to die — even as those she loves continue to age and die around her. She reaches the point where loving causes more pain than joy, and so she chooses to live life without cultivating new and intimate relationships. This movie is one in a long line of books, television shows and movies about immortality. From vampires to curses to cryogenic freezing, we as humanity seem to deeply desire a way to prolong life — even to the point of avoiding death.
The question remains: Is the desire to live forever truly our faithful response to the gift of life? God offers us the gift of salvation through our belief in Jesus Christ, so if we have that waiting for us, why would we want to live until life no longer matters? Make no mistake: Living a life that is full of hope and love for as long as we can is our opportunity to be in relationship with God and one another. We don’t want to cut that short in any way. But living beyond our own lifetime is simply fantasy — it’s not possible, nor even desirable.
In John, Chapter 10, Jesus says that he came so that we “could have life — indeed, so that [we] could live life to the fullest” (verse 10b). While living here on earth we have a purpose, and we have a faith community with whom we can share the journey. Yet our preoccupation shouldn’t be achieving physical immortality — the concept of escaping death. Instead, we should pursue the eternal — living forever in the glory of God! In Christ, we find our purpose and meaning caught up in the love of a timeless God.
Question of the day: What do you wonder about life after death?
Focal Scriptures: John 10:7-10; Colossians 1:4-6; Psalm 49:5-9
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