Desiring the Undesirables: Compassionate Ministry with the Hungry and Homeless

by Rudy Rasmus
Where did we ever get the notion that certain people—created out of the same substance as the rest of us—could be considered “undesirable” in the church?… read more

Welcoming the Stranger

by Mark M. Nakagawa
In a society that is becoming increasingly mobile, and where world-wide migration patterns of immigrants and refugees guarantee a constantly changing and diverse society, United… read more

At Your Service: Three Basics for Hospitality Ministry

by Tracey Michae'l Lewis-Giggetts
There is an erroneous assumption that being a Christian is equivalent to being a nice person. True Christ-following goes far beyond simple friendliness, however, to a genuine… read more

Ministering to People in Crisis: Don't Just Stand There!

by Evon O. Flesberg
What do you say or do when people's lives are falling apart? Feeling put on the spot may be uncomfortable, but as clergy and leaders, it is our role to have words and actions… read more

A Good Friday Orientation: Preaching in the Aftermath of Tragedy

by Reggie Tuck
On April 16, 2007, thirty-three lives were violently lost on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, where as I serve as a United Methodist pastor. That Monday was… read more

Engaging Laity as Theological Decision Makers

by Ann A. Michel
Clergy sometimes complain that church members approach congregational issues with the same mindset they bring to their corporate or workplace decisions. How, they ask, can lay… read more
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