Quick links to the Research Library

July 25th, 2014

Quick links to the Research Library

Here are just a few of the resources available...

The New Interpreter's Bible One Volume Commentary

The Abingdon New Testament Commentary: Matthew 13

Invocations and Benedictions for the Revised Common Lectionary

Just in Time! Wedding Services

A category view of the Research Library

Go to Bible Commentaries and click New Testament or Old Testament. You'll find commentaries from Abingdon Press on individual books of the Bible. It's like having a Bible scholar in your office with you!

If THAT seems a little overwhelming, try Biblical Studies and click Bible Study Guides. You'll see Converge Bible Studies — or look for a specific New or Old Testament book in one of the other subcategories.

Christian Education has something for teachers of all age levels.

Christian Life features resources related to living as a disciple in today's world. Christian Ministry relates to topics dealing with service and work in the church and world.

Christian Ministry has several subcategories you'll want review like Pastoral Resources and Preaching.

Christian Rituals & Practice is where you'll find resources for worship planning and the lectionary year.

Missing something? Our legacy library is still online.

The legacy library content is still available. We're working on getting those resources converted—in the meantime that content is still there.

Go wild, geek out

Create a bin of resources to come back to later. Learn how to create a bin here. Or go to Bins (Click in the right hand corner of the toolbar) then click "Most Recent" and see what other people in the Ministry Matters community have saved. So grab your laptop and a cup of coffee (or your favorite beverage) and begin exploring!

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