Sermon Options: November 6, 2022

by Ministry Matters
HOW TO STAND FIRM IN A TURBULENT WORLD 2 THESSALONIANS 2:1-5, 13-17 Have you ever tried to walk in gale force winds? That is what it is like to try to stand firm in our world… read more

Sermon Options: November 13, 2022

by Ministry Matters
LET'S GET BUSY 2 THESSALONIANS 3:6-13 We often admonish people to slow down and usually it is most appropriate. Some people, however, need to be told to hurry up. Some need to… read more

Sermon Options: November 20, 2022

by Ministry Matters
GOD IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS JEREMIAH 23:1-6 Jeremiah speaks of the coming of a king whose name is a remarkable summary and affirmation of the faith to which the whole Bible… read more

Weekly Preaching March 20, 2022

by James C. Howell
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Sermon Options: February 27, 2022

by Ministry Matters
IN GOD'S PRESENCE EXODUS 34:29-35 Moses had led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt into the desert at Mount Sinai. There he went up the mountain into the Presence of … read more

Sermon Options: October 9, 2022

by Ministry Matters
ENDURE HARDSHIP 2 TIMOTHY 2:8-15 Phoebe Cary's The Leak in the Dike, tells of Peter, who happily went on an errand for his mother. The task completed, Peter started home… read more
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