God's powerful promise!

by Robert Gorrell
Isaiah 62:1-5 During the First Gulf War, a young husband from our small-town church was called up to serve. While he was in Iraq his wife had a very public affair. Upon returning … read more

Sermon Options: December 5, 2021

by Ministry Matters
I'm Not Responsible... Am I? Malachi 3:1-4 If a wife cheats on her husband, whose fault is it? It could be the husband who was inattentive, her parents who caused her low… read more

A kingdom from a wasteland

by Dave Barnhart
Jeremiah 33:14-16 Have you ever seen a ghost town? Maybe you’ve seen one on television if you haven’t seen one in real life. Shops sit with boarded-up windows, dust… read more

Who are those remarkable children?

by Tracy Hartman
2 Samuel 2:18-20; Luke 2:41-52 Picture in your mind a child you know who is remarkable. It can be your own child, or someone else’s—but focus your mind’s eye on … read more

Sermon Options: November 24, 2024

by Ministry Matters
CHRIST THE KING 2 SAMUEL 23:1-7 The peasants wait nervously outside the palace to learn the identity of their new emperor. The tribe sends its wisest elders to choose their new… read more

Sermon Options: December 12, 2021

by Ministry Matters
In The Land of the Living Isaiah 12:2-6 The psalmist told us something important about the biblical faith when he said, “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the… read more
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