Sermon Options: December 19, 2021

by Ministry Matters
THE DYNAMICS OF EXPECTANCY MICAH 5:2-5a When the wise men told Herod the Great that a new king had been born within his realm, he was deeply disturbed because he knew of… read more

Anticipating the Advent

by Lance Moore
Luke 1:68-79 Anticipation. You may remember the old ketchup commercial where Carly Simon sings the song “Anticipation” while the ketchup slowly hangs in midair… read more

Sermon Options: January 9, 2022

by Ministry Matters
A COVENANT WITH THE LORD ISAIAH 43:1-7 Why do we wear a wedding ring? The old joke is that it is like a tourniquet in that it cuts off your circulation. A wedding ring is… read more

Sermon Options: March 20, 2022

by Ministry Matters
A SATISFIED CRAVING ISAIAH 55:1-9 Every day, out-of-town visitors and tourists come into our office seeking information about our historic community, our church, our favorite… read more

Sermon Options: January 16, 2022

by Ministry Matters
WHAT'S IN A NAME? ISAIAH 62:1-5 Prospective parents spend countless hours every year trying to decide on just the right name for an expected child. "A rose by any other name… read more

Sermon Options: December 26, 2021

by Ministry Matters
A REASON TO KEEP GROWING 1 SAMUEL 2:18-20, 26 A person who has a purpose for which to live has a reason to keep growing. And when a person keeps growing, life becomes an… read more
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