Worshipping through our stories

by Wendy Joyner
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 As part of my ministry, I have been serving as a hospice chaplain for almost nine years now. When I stop to reflect on the things I have learned in walking… read more

Sermon Options: January 8, 2023

by Ministry Matters
BRINGING JUSTICE, AND GENTLY Isaiah 42-9 If you ask a child, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" it's unlikely you'll receive the answer, "I want to be a servant."… read more

Sermon Options: December 18, 2022

by Ministry Matters
CHRISTMAS IS... Isaiah 7:10-16 During a past Christmas season a five-year-old boy was playing with our son and stayed at our house for lunch. As I served their meal I noticed… read more

Sermon Options: December 4, 2022

by Ministry Matters
CHRISTMAS GREATNESS Isaiah 11:1-10 Sometimes big things come in small packages. One man said that he had learned after years of marriage that when his wife says that she just… read more

Sermon Options: November 27, 2022

by Ministry Matters
GETTING READY Isaiah 2:1-5 "Are you ready yet?" My parents said those words to me practically every Sunday morning. They had to ask me that question because I was always the… read more

Decision and division

by Don Holladay
Luke 12:49-56 There is one special day each semester on a college campus: the first day of class. All of the students will be there, most of them with freshly purchased… read more
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